T-shirt designs finished. The golf course is digitized. And now I'm thinking:
P-L-A-N L-A-N.
So if anyone is interested during "Club Grubb" and would like to have an evening (probably Saturday Night) for the traditional game-a-thon, let me know. The only issue is I no longer have access to all those laptops. I have one (maybe two) that can be used. Don would have one (it is his house and he has a PC). But what about others? We could choose some lower end games, like Age of empires II, or I have an install for Tribes (squad type FPS) that would run on anything that would run Windows 98. I could stay away from Counter-strike. All it might need was wireless internet, or ethernet if we could set up in the office. Anyway let me know and if it is something we can put together, and get together enough computers, I can put together an infrastructure to allow us to game.
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7 years ago
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