The Joy of Reading


As we approach the afternoon/evening where we all sit down to watch commercials, and they put this annoying football game between them, one thought becomes crystallized in my mind -- the joy of a mute button on the remote and a book by my easy chair. "Blink," the next book in the que (after "7 Deadly Wonders") I can thank Scott for. I got it in the mail last week, and I must say it is in top condition. Not a mark on it. Scott - you can give the guy off amazon great feedback if you like; moreover, thank you so much for the book.

Back to the topic, the commercials we will gladly watch and enjoy during the Superbowl, maybe even talk about on Monday, represent the 1% of TV ads that are truly creative (btw many of which are made by real people this year, not marketing majors). However the new will wear off these by the 5-millionth time they grace the screen. And then there are the 99% that are truly a waste of time, and border on mind-numbing and/or some Hitchcock form of mind-control/torture.

So in honor of the upcoming commercials probably worth watching, here are those that always help me to hit the mute button and read a couple more pages in my latest book.

1. Head-On. - "nuff said. I would like to "apply" something to the someone's forehead who came up with these.

2. Male Enhancement - the only reason that guy is smiling is because he's rich off all the idiots who bought that snake oil.

3. E.D. - I used to remember when this was just short for "education." I guess it still has has some value since these commercials are "educating my children" about the perceived medical and social imperatives of "great sex". If civilization ends, and the archaeologists of the future dig this stuff up, they are going to think that something must have happened to all the male humans and that's why we died out.

4. 6-9-5-1-1-8-1. This is a local commercial for one of those dish installers. Some wanna-be barbershop quartet sings the phone number( number by number). Now I have a 4 year old that can sing it... and sing it... and sing it.... (thanks guys.)

5. Are you ____________, then you deserve compensation. If you laid all of the lawyers in the world, end to end, on the equator ---- It would be a good idea to just leave them there.

Note: on item #3, I put a disclaimer: No pharmacists (those dispensing the "educational" drugs) were intentionally maligned during the making of this blog (especially those nice people who buy me reading material...)

3 insightful thoughts (comments):

Anonymous said...

no offense taken
enjoy the book - it's Scott's favorite

Shawn said...

Thank You so much. I'm finishing up "Seven Deadly Wonders" this week. I should get to start on it soon. I'm excited.

Again thank you for the book.

Anonymous said...

thought you might enjoy this commercial in light of number 3 from your list