- When the grandmothers of today hear the word ``Chippendales,'' they don't necessary think of chairs.
- Joan Kerr
Or rather “up the escarpment and through the dust… to Grandmother's house we went!”
The official start of the Holiday season -- our first Christmas get-together of the season, came and went this weekend with a short trip to Brandy’s Grandparents (Brandy drove), and a long trip back home (I drove). Since the majority of the readers of this “esteemed piece of cyberspace literature” (hah!) were in attendance, my recap of the weekend’s events would be redundant. So instead, I offer…
Top ten things not to get caught doing at Grandmother’s House.
10. Taking a picture without a grandkid (anyone’s grandkid) smiling in your lap.
9. Jumping on cotton modules behind the house (“cityboy” excuses or not!).
8. Listening for the gin to stop running where your nose will as well.
7. Saying “Puuuupieeeee!”
6. Buying back the gift you wanted from Chinese Christmas.
5. Needing to use the front bathroom during a “woman conference.”
4. Using up all the hot water taking a shower Sunday morning.
3. Slipping cherries in food items (fruit salad, ice cream, etc.)
2. Weighing yourself before and after a trip to the desserts in the backroom.
1. Making the trundle beds squeak in the office – with your spouse.
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