I came across this site, and then realized.... IT'S MINE.

Ok, ok, ok... (in the immortal words of Joe Pesci from Lethal Weapon)

I ran across this site a day or two back, was about to delete it from my bookmarks, and then realized... it's my personal blog.

Oooops. It's been since Megan's Birthday since we added anything. So after renting a Muse to help with brevity and wit, we brief:

March: Megan and Madelyn made it through.
April, showers light and few.
May flowered after the TAKS test towered.
June, a VBS: our churches turn;
Nights with our moon, stars, Saturn.
July Grubbs wait with Pool and Gazebo.
Daddy trips to C-A but not C-O :(
And more that hasn't happened yet, both blessing and curse,
As we bare heat, read oft, and watch purse.

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