In the Eyes of My Daughter

Okay. Don't fall out of your chairs. This is Brandy. And yes, I am making a post to the blog. I just couldn't help it.

It's fixin' to be Mother's Day. One of my favorite things about Megan being in school is knowing that she will bring sweet little hand-made projects home at special times like these. When I picked her up today, she ran down the sidewalk half-covered in mud carrying a little pot with a beautiful pink flower in it. It had a little sign sticking out of it which said

Happy Mother's Day
(signed in her very own sweet little hand writing)

They went to the ABC Greenhouse across town on a school bus this morning. This is a big thing for Megan. As long as we live in town, she will never have to board a bus every morning for school. Or suffer the ride home in one after school. I only say that because that was my plot in life for about 7 years until Shane got his driver's license. I hated those yellow dogs. She thinks its really cool to ride on the bus. I pretend to be excited for her.

She enjoyed the visit to the nursery. They got to pick out the flower they wanted for their mothers. And for those of you who know Megan, of course, she picked a pink one. She especially enjoyed the trip, because we go to church with the owners of the nursery. Bob was there to give her a sucker. (Something he gives all the kids at church on Sunday morning. I still don't know how he gets all of them in his pockets without pocking himself to pieces.)

Anyway, back to the reason for this post: When she got in the car, she proceeded to empty out her folder, handing me each piece of paper one at a time until it was empty and all the contents were lying in the front seat next to me. Almost a full year of school and she still can't make it 12 blocks home before showing me all the stuff she has done and learned.

The first thing she showed me was a "pink" card obviously prepared by her teacher, but it's contents were definitely from the mouth of a child named Megan.

Here is how it went:

My Mom

My Mom is amazing.
She likes to eat cereal.
She always takes naps.
The best thing about my Mom is she makes things with me!

Happy Mother's Day!

Well, there you have it. Four random bits of information about me.

1 insightful thoughts (comments):

Amber Smith said...

That is very very sweet. Happy Mother's Day!

P.S. I think you should post more often. I like to hear your Megan stories.