And Now a Word, from Shawn...

One of the things I have been working on is audio recordings of several of my lessons from church. Right now I am about 3 lessons into a study of First Corinthians, and should be able to post the audio from upcoming lessons.

Right now, I'm still "experimenting" with it, and so here is a previous lesson from a study in Galatians. Powerpoints for many of my lessons are posted on the Addendum to The Last Page. It is my aim one day to start placing these into a feed, that those willing (i.e. the terminally bored and mentally unbalanced) to subscribe to can have them downloaded to their portable music players automatically. But I'm not there ...yet.

1 insightful thoughts (comments):

Anonymous said...

Here's the deal. We are looking and can't find any new pictures since christmas. We know there has been a birthday!