Halfway through "BizarroWorld"

For the past ... hmm... I've lost count... days, I've been living in Berkeley California. I was picked to be part of a group of 18 teachers from Texas, who are studying astronomy at the Lawrence Berkeley Labs. They have a curriculum that provides activities using real astronomical images. The workshop has been excellent. The material within the lessons, and content we are learning is very practical to an astronomy class and the people from Texas are outstanding. A better group of people to work with would be very hard to find. However... "We are not in Kansas Anymore."

Walking down the main "tourista" street you will pass 3 or 4 head shops, which is the polite way to say a shop that sells stuff for you to smoke "wacky weed" in "high style".

The hotel we are staying in is the nicest hotel in the Bay. However, at times it becomes a guilded cage. The hotel sits about a half mile, across the freeway, from the rest of the town. This means in order to eat at night, we have to walk about a mile or more round trip. And finding a meal here for less than 10-dollars per person would be equivalent to the discovery of Noah's Ark. And I know I have been here too long when guys holding guys hands, and girls holding girls hands no longer make me do a double take while walking to supper. We have also got good at looking a block or two ahead to scan for homeless people, where we can change sides of the street, and glancing into stoops and doorways as you pass by them. Anyway, none of use are really worried about overeating and gaining weight, since you can't afford to eat good, and if you do, you walk it all off before you get back to the hotel.

The hotel's one and only washer and dryer has been out of order since we arrived. Two ladies in our group made a trip to a local laundromat. While there a homeless man came in, stripped down to nothing but his undershirt and proceeded to wash his clothes, which was probably good, since he had messed himself. Needless to say we now set up organized times where we go down to the laundry en masse. One of the young ladies who encountered the derelict asked us at the time if she could be "voted off the island."

Part of the training requires being on internet-based telescopes. These scopes are located in Hawaii and Arizona, and we take images from them in the early morning hours (11PM- 4AM). The only problem is that the internet is only available in the hotel rooms if you pay 10 dollars a day. So we have been having to meet in the business centers to do our projects and make our observations. Also, I think the hotel's internet access is just about the same as a home residence, and is down or clogged about 3-4 times a day, usually when you need it to work.

Driving, which myself and a teacher from Abilene are responsible for, is a test in Christianity. We both drive 15 passenger vans that everyone loads up to go to the labs. Parking spaces, if available, were designed for Honda Civics. The roads were also designed this way. Motorcycles are allowed to split the lane, so the dotted line is their lane as they zip by you. Add in parked cars, bicycles, and pedestrians all along 2-lane streets, all while driving in rush hours going and coming from the lab. Its probably one of the reasons there is a bar on every other corner in the town, and a liquor store on the corners without bars.

Homesickness aside, and in the immortal words of the writer Douglas Adams, I wish to return "where the men are men, the women are women, and the small fuzzy creatures from alpha centauri are small fuzzy creatures from alpha centauri."

So What is the best vehicle for you to buy?

General Motors just announced 6-year 0% loans on many of its larger and not so fuel efficient 2008 models of vehicles. It got me to thinking, and although we are not in the market for a new car (we're trying to figure out a new house, sell our old one.... blah, blah, blah) I came across an intriguing video.

Most of us have a gasoholic big "ManMobile" like SUV or truck, and a smaller not so heavy in the tank vehicle. The problem is that you really need the "ManMobile" sometimes, so replacing it with the "pregnant rollerskate" Toyota Prius is not an option. Also they do not make a 50MPG 3/4-ton longbed extended cab 4x4 truck, and if they did make one it would cost around $250,000, just to make sure you break even with the gas savings...

So what do you do... trade off the smaller run around vehicle for an even more fuel efficient one? The answer may surprise you...

A Summer of Change...

Next fall as school starts... I won't be in a class room teaching Science everyday. That is going to take some getting used to again.

I have accepted a position with the Region 14 Educational Service Center (ESC). Most people outside the educational community have never heard of an ESC. They act as conduits for information and training from the Texas Education Agency, housed in Austin, to the local school districts. Normally, the way it works is the State Legislature or State School Board makes laws and edicts causing changes with a broad scope. The Texas Education Agency then draws together state resources, and fundamental statewide training plans and initiatives. They also flesh out the administrative code and practices. These are disseminated to ESC employees who further refine the material and design training to assist districts in meeting the new guidelines and laws.

The position I have been offered will be as a Science/Technology Consultant. The position is a new one in the Curriculum Integration and Support department. Although many of the guidelines for the job are still open they said I would be training and working with science teachers from throughout the school districts in Region 14, and occasionally working with students who have had difficulties with the TAKS test.

We are very excited. We know we will be moving in the future, although we have no definite plan as of when. I can drive to Abilene and back until the house here sells, which could be tomorrow or a year from now. I have a lot of things to do at church before we leave to make sure that things in place will become sustaining.

I guess in light of half of Brandy's family being pregnant, and another half building and moving into the first New Mexico "Church of Christ compound" (some doing both), adding another move and job change to the prayer list shouldn't be too much.

I came across this site, and then realized.... IT'S MINE.

Ok, ok, ok... (in the immortal words of Joe Pesci from Lethal Weapon)

I ran across this site a day or two back, was about to delete it from my bookmarks, and then realized... it's my personal blog.

Oooops. It's been since Megan's Birthday since we added anything. So after renting a Muse to help with brevity and wit, we brief:

March: Megan and Madelyn made it through.
April, showers light and few.
May flowered after the TAKS test towered.
June, a VBS: our churches turn;
Nights with our moon, stars, Saturn.
July Grubbs wait with Pool and Gazebo.
Daddy trips to C-A but not C-O :(
And more that hasn't happened yet, both blessing and curse,
As we bare heat, read oft, and watch purse.

Happy Birthday Megan

Our baby girl is 6 today.

Here's to a great day sweet, sweet Megan.

We love you.
Mommy, Daddy and Madelyn

Studies in the Gospel of John - Part 01: Introduction